Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Chloe starting 2nd grade

Chloe was really excited to go back to school (she was asking for weeks before "How much longer until school starts? NINE DAYS!?!"). She's in class with several of her friends from Kindergarten & 1st grade, and has a very nice teacher. She loves Mrs. Bierman!

We're happy to live within walking distance of school (at least until winter comes). We just have to walk a block & a half.

At Meet the Teacher night. We got to see Chloe at her desk, and meet Mrs. Bierman...


Jan Fanning said...

She's growing up! Fun that she was excited to go back to school!

Joanne said...

Oh my gosh, she is so grown up! I can't believe how big she is now... seems like yesterday when she was only 6 months old.

Love reading about all the fun you guys have had this summer... and not at all jealous!