Thursday, June 19, 2008

Family Updates

Alright, here are the updates on the family...

Julia got her first tooth finally! It's been just under the surface for awhile, but finally popped through yesterday. There's no sign of any of the others yet, so it looks like she might be one-toothed for a little while.

Chloe jumped off the diving board!! She had been still being afraid (and told me that morning that she would jump off the diving board when she turned a little over 2 years from now). But we were at our friend Lisa's house, and she started challenging the girls (Chloe and Corrinn...who is Chloe's best friend) to swimming and jumping challenges. She would say, I bet I could swim from here to there without taking a breath, or I bet I could jump off the side and go underwater. Chloe was starting to get very frustrated that she couldn't keep up with Corrinn (who is 9 months younger than Chloe, but who is a natural swimmer...she swims all over and jumps into the pool and dives down to the bottom of the deep end). So, it made Chloe step it up, and she started holding her breath and going under water, and jumping off the side of the shallow end. I then convinced her that if she put on a ring, then she could go deeper and deeper and still just go under the water a little. So, she moved a little at a time until she was jumping off the diving board. And she LOVED it!! She must have jumped in 20 times before we made her get out!!

Gracie... hmm Gracie doesn't have anything new to report. She's still doing really well with potty-training, and starting to be more reliable without having accidents. She also fell asleep last night at dinner, which was really cute and sweet! She had just told us "I'm really sleepy" and we told her "It'll be bedtime soon, but right now you need to eat". But apparently, she couldn't wait that long.

Julia is continuing to find more trouble to get herself into, now that she's getting more and more mobile. She's constantly going for the dog food, and she loves to pull all the play magnets off of the refrigerator. Last night, though, she got herself stuck behind the couch. She likes to go play with the cords to our network, but she decided to keep going and got herself a little stuck. She ended up crawling back out with no problem, but she was a little concerned when she realized how tight it was back there.

Those are the updates for today, along with a picture of our puppy, Izzy! (she doesn't have much to update...we're still having trouble getting her consistently house-trained, but hopefully it'll kick in soon)

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