We went to Canada over Easter weekend. It was Ben & the girls first time to be outside of the US... We went first to Niagara Falls. It was an amazing thing to see and provoked some good discussions about the awesomeness of God's creation.
Spring at Niagara Falls. (Actually, we were a little early for most of the flowers. There were rows and rows all over the place of tulips that were a couple weeks away from blooming. I can imagine that Niagara Falls is an even more beautiful place once all those tulips were open)

Some ice shots. We were amazed by these huge chunks of ice at the bottom of the falls. It was in the mid-40s the whole time we were there, but there was ice all over in the river and by the falls.

This is the second day we were in Niagara Falls. Right after we took this picture Gracie threw up in a nearby flower-bed (which continues her exploration of bodily-functions at tourist spots...last summer she peed in her pants in the middle of Times Square in New York City...) She wasn't really sick, but all she'd eaten for breakfast was watermelon and apple juice and lots of it...she'd had a waffle for breakfast too, but apparently she hadn't eaten much of that.

In the morning, there was even more ice everywhere, including big pieces that were going down the falls. It was cool to watch them go over the edge. Here's an icy view of the American Falls, and then the flying mist at horseshoe falls.

The girls watching the ice and the seagulls. And all the ice accumulating at the bottom (Ben thought it looked like Lime Pear Jello down there in the inlet)

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