Joe & Jenny (& their dog, Bliss) came up from Washington, DC to spend Thanksgiving with us. Chloe & Gracie absolutely loved spending time with them...wanting to sit by them at the table, and having a great time playing with them.
Here are Bliss and Julia looking out the window.

On Thanksgiving morning (while the turkey was cooking), we went out to a trail near us that runs along the Lehigh River. It was a cold morning, but nice to get out, stretch our legs, and let the dogs run free.

Then we came back home, for a nice Thanksgiving meal.

Our Fanning tradition, (when we were growing up) on Thanksgiving was to take a picture of each of the kids with mom (& then some family shots as well). It's fun to look through the Thanksgiving albums and watch the kids grow up, so we've continued that tradition with our family.

Unfortunately, we didn't get a good shot of our whole family...we took about 10 pictures, but this is the best we've got...
Here's the whole crew together.
On Friday, we went for a walk around downtown Jim Thorpe. Here we are in the square (with the courthouse behind us and the girls on the huge piece of coal)

Here we are with the statue of Jim Thorpe (notice that Julia is looking at Jim Thorpe and not at the camera...she was fascinated by this huge man above us)
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