She's always very excited for herself when she's walking! And here she is falling...
The funny thing is, Chloe asked us a few days ago, "when Julia turns 1, then she'll be able to walk, right" and we told her "no, it'll be a little longer still..." But Chloe was right...she turned 1 yesterday, and then today, she's walking!
I also thought I'd post this picture just because it's cute. Julia grabbed one of the big kid's bowls after they left the table and was finishing up their strawberry shortcake for them.
How exciting that she started walking!! Wow!!
And those are great pictures! She looks very proud of herself.
So fun!
Love, Mom
she's walking!!!! wow! look out mom! even more mobile yet! by the way that looks like such a nice church nursery! i hope her bumps and bruises are few :)
Way to go Julia! That's neat, maybe hearing Chloe say "she'll walk when she turns one" got her inspired? Hope she has fun!
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