The months keep rolling on by, and now we only have one more month before Julia is a year old! I still think of her as such a baby when we're around our house (which she still is of course), but then I see a younger baby and it amazes me how big she is. On Sunday at church, we were in the nursery with Julia and a 4 month old boy, and then a brand new baby came in for a little while too. It was amazing to see Julia crawling around in comparison to these younger kids. She's definitely used to being around other babies her own age...she kept going up to the boy and trying to poke at him and crawl over him (which is somewhat ok with kids her own age, but not ok at all with a poor defenseless younger kid). We also went yesterday to a climbing/tubes type place and Julia was actually able to climb and play some. It was fun to see her getting to play some and not just have to sit and watch her sisters.
Here are some pictures of her today doing her newest trick... She's really into climbing onto anything and everything...our crocodile piano, the rocking chair, the stairs, the couch...

1 comment:
She's such a cutie!! 11 months old!! She's growing up fast!
Great pictures.
Love, Mom
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