I thought I'd put up a few pictures of Chloe's birthday today.

Here we are at Mcdonalds for Chloe's birthday lunch (we're waiting out the worst of the rain...)

Ben brought home these beautiful pink roses for Chloe for her birthday.

Chloe with her new Webkinz from Grandmama & Grandaddy! She got one on Saturday at her party and has been having a great time playing online with her, but she was SO excited to get 2 more for her birthday today!!

Chloe with her decorate your own mirror & then starting to decorate it.

And blowing out her candles...
We had a fun day celebrating our girl. We measured her today against our growth chart and she was so excited to see how tall she'd grown (we measure them on it every 6 months and she'd grown a lot since 5 1/2). She was thrilled that she'd grown all the way up to the butterfly (on the chart)
Ben sat down with the girls this morning and was talking to them about this baby that was born 6 years ago. He asked Gracie "Do you know who that baby was?" and she responded "I can't remember"
We also found out today about Chloe's 1st grade teacher (Mrs. Cerimele), and that a couple of her friends from last year will be in her class again (although several others are not). We got some more information about what supplies she'll need and all that. So, that has helped her to get a little more excited about the thought of school. She still has another 2 weeks, so we still have time to do a few other fun things this summer...