Sunday, July 5, 2009

Strawberry Picking & Father's Day

June in PA means it's time to go pick strawberries. Chloe & Gracie are both pretty good at it. Julia this year tried to "help" pick also. She found some good ripe berries, but she'd take a bite out of them before she put them in the bucket. I found quite a few half-eaten strawberries as I was cutting them up.

On Father's Day weekend, we went to a train-themed mini-golf place that's not too far from us (apparently we're making this our Father's Day tradition, since the last time we went was last year on Father's Day). We had a fun time riding the train, playing mini-golf, and eating ice cream.

Playing mini-golf. Julia kept chasing down the balls, picking them up, and handing them back to us. We had to keep track of where the ball had stopped so we'd know where to start our next putt from.

The girls making silly faces while we waited for the next hole to open up...

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