Friday, October 10, 2008

Chloe Reading

Chloe has several different things she has to do every week for school. She has a story out of her reading book, and then has to learn spelling and vocabulary going along with that book. Now, they've also added a reading challenge where they get a little (4-6 page) book to read. If they can read it, then they get to take it back and get another book to bring home. They get stickers and prizes along their way to 30 books. Here's the first one...


Anonymous said...


I will learn to read before I come to your house again. We will share each other' secrets and be friends forever.


Jan Fanning said...

So fun to see you reading on the blog, and I'm also really enjoying hearing you read on our video i-chats!
You're doing great! We're proud of you.
Love, Grandmama