Wednesday, September 17, 2008

More Funny Gracie sayings

Gracie likes to use metaphors, but she doesn't really understand the point of a metaphor... some of her favorites are...
"I'm as sleepy as a chicken" and
"I'm going to open [this newspaper] to be big as a peanut"
And then of course, we laugh at her, so she continues to say it over and over!

The other day, we were riding in the car (& we had been talking about the upcoming Cowboys/Eagles game) and Gracie announced "When I grow up, I'm going to be a Cowboy guy... I'm going to throw the ball and then I'm going to run and run and go catch the ball" So, apparently, Gracie will be the first female quarterback/wide receiver combo...

The other funny word she says is "hippy-cotch" as in hopscotch, so as she's hopping randomly down the hopscotch board, she's singing "hippy-cotch, hippy-cotch, HIPPY-COTCH!!"

Just a few more Gracie-isms to remember

1 comment:

Jan Fanning said...

So fun to get those sweet sayings documented!