Here a some more pictures from May...not really enough for separate posts, but thought I'd just throw them up here altogether.
The girls love pushing Julia around in our doll strollers, and she loves it too! She loves the attention, and loves to play along. She pretends to drink out of a doll bottle and enjoys being chauffeured all around the house.

Gracie got the game "Guess who I am" from Joe & Jenny for Christmas. We've had lots of fun playing it, and Julia loves to try to play along, but always holds the card backwards. Here's Julia's version...
And here's how it's supposed to look... It's basically like 20 questions, but reversed. You hold the card up and ask questions to figure out who you are. It's a fun game! (Although mostly, for Gracie, it turns into us giving her hints, since she can't quite come up with the right questions to ask on her own, but we've had lots of fun playing it...Thanks J&J!)
Here's the girls all ready for a movie night...they had a fun time together...eating popcorn and watching Bolt!

And here are my 3 sweet girls on Mother's Day. (I can't believe we didn't take any more pictures than this...) I happened to bring my camera to church that day. The girls had colored flower pots for me for mother's day and then all 3 sat down together on this bench in the hallway. It was a picture perfect moment! Glad I had the camera!!