We had a lot of snow & cold in January. This was our first snowfall of 2009, and we got out to play in it (even though it was cold and windy)

Izzy LOVES the snow. She loves to run through it and shoves her nose down into it. She has a great time (we had about a month where we had snow on the ground, and then it finally got warm enough to melt it all off. Then a couple days ago, we got snow again, and Izzy was so excited to see the snow again that she just raced around and around in circles in the snow...)
But back to this day in the snow. The girls "helped" shovel the sidewalk, and then were ready to build a snowman.

They started stacking some snow (it was too powdery to pack and roll it). But before long, they decided that it was too cold and wanted to go inside. So, we brought out some decorations so they could finish the snowman (even though she was just tiny)

They made a snow princess (baby carrots for her crown and nose, butterscotch chips for her eyes & mouth and pretzel sticks for her arms). Isn't she precious?

Over the next few days, her pieces were scavenged by Izzy. Every time she went outside, she'd grab another piece or two off of the snowgirl.