Julia had only 2 teeth for several months. She finally got her two front top teeth over Thanksgiving, and 2 more top teeth while we were in Texas for Christmas.

Julia tries really hard to keep up with her big sisters. She loves to run with them, dance with them and is quick to dodge out of their way to keep from getting run over. She's quick to join in with the laughing or screaming even if she doesn't know what's going on (our girls like to scream when they're excited, and Julia will look around and see Chloe & Gracie screaming and join right in)
Here's a sample of her dancing...

Julia is starting to talk more. Her first words (in addition to Mommy & Daddy) were "Baby" and "Puppy" Soon after that, she started saying "My" and "Me" (as in "don't forget about me", or "where's my milk") We've thought we've heard her say a few other words (including something similar to Gracie & Chloe, but she hasn't started saying them very regularly. (Chloe swears that she's heard her say 20+ words...she's keeping a running tally)

Julia is a very good tantrum thrower. If we tell her no, she will very dramatically throw herself on the floor. Thankfully, she's fairly easy to distract still.
Here's another video of Julia with her cousin Clara (while we were in Texas)
Julia is very independent and likes to do her own thing. We have to watch her closely if we let her walk. Here's a picture of her in a park. We were walking on a path, but she was just wandering all over. The path meant nothing to her...
Julia is a climber. If a chair is left out at the table, she'll be up in the chair and on the table in a flash. She likes to climb onto the back of the couch and wander around. And she loves playing at the park and being free to climb around.
Julia is a sweet and fun girl. She's always doing something silly to make her big sisters laugh, and if they laugh at her, she'll keep doing it over and over. She's definitely turning into our little clown.