Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The mixed-knowledge of a big sister

I like to listen to the conversations that Chloe & Gracie have in the backseat of the van.  They're always fairly interesting and funny.  The most interesting are to hear Chloe explain things to Gracie.  It's fun to hear her interpretation of Bible stories, science facts, etc as she explains them to her sister.  

The other day, we drove past a cemetery, and Chloe informed Gracie (in a very ominous tone)... "Gracie, that's where people died.  All those rocks out there show where the person died"  So, Gracie a few days later was informing me of this fact, and continued to expand on Chloe's lesson by telling me it was scary and adding that animals that died were there too.  Later when I told Ben, he asked if I corrected them, and I told him... "No, I just laughed."   We'll see what kind of crazy things our girls think in the future (Ben thought for a long time (when he was a kid) that milk with ice in it was poisonous... he was at a friend's house when his friend's mom put ice in his milk and Ben jumped up from the table, offended that she was trying to poison him.  It was then that he suddenly realized this wasn't true...)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Halloween Wrap-up

I've been meaning to post a few more Halloween pictures, so I thought I'd better do it before we're too far gone from Halloween (apparently it's already Christmas-time...all the stores are playing Christmas music and have aisles of Christmas stuff. Walmart even has a tree set up in the entrance...)

But here are a few more pictures. The first are from the Halloween Parade in Jim Thorpe. It's a pretty small parade, but it goes right by our house and they throw out candy, so how could we miss it??

Here's Izzy in her halloween costume. She was a ladybug and got lots of compliments on her costume.

We got dressed up 4 different times for Halloween this year, so I didn't take pictures of every one (since 3 of them were all the same). But here are the pictures from our Halloween party at church (dress-up opportunity #3). They were supposed to dress up as characters from the Bible.

Julia is a frog (again...she's either from the ark, or one of the plagues...we couldn't decide if she was a happy frog or an angry frog). She had lots of fun wandering the church (which on Sundays she doesn't get to do). Chloe was dressed as Miriam (with Baby Moses in the basket), and Gracie was Mrs. Noah. She brought a frog and lemur with her to represent some of the ark animals.

Gracie enjoyed bobbing for apples. I don't think Chloe ever did, although she told me that they'd practiced bobbing for apples in their room that morning (with a bin and some balls) so they knew exactly what to do.

Part of the activities was to give clues so people could guess who you were dressed up as. The girls both did really well and spoke into the microphone and everything. Chloe said "I'm Moses' sister and I took care of him when he was in his basket in the river" and Gracie said "I helped get animals onto the ark" I was pleasantly surprised that they both were willing to get up there and talk. A year and a half ago, Chloe would have gotten shy and run to find me, but she's getting much more willing to get up in front of people.
We had a fun and busy Halloween, and ended up with LOTS of candy. Chloe thinks that we have enough candy that it will last us until NEXT halloween.