Chloe is a ballerina, Gracie is a cat, and Julia is a frog.

On a side note, Chloe's been debating for weeks about her costume (ballerina?, fairy?, princess?), but had decided this weekend to be a princess. So, I had gotten all the costume stuff together ready while she was at school, but when I picked her up, she informed me... "Mom, I told Nolan (boy who sits near her at school) that I'm either going to be a princess or a ballerina and asked him what he thought I should be and he said a ballerina, so I'm going to be a ballerina" So, ballerina it was.

Julia got very frustrated because her hands were covered, which meant she couldn't dig through the drawer looking for remotes to push buttons on, or throw books all over the floor, or any of the other fun activities that occupy her time. She was much happier once we found her hands...
Then, she was ready to wander and play while we got everyone else ready.

And here are the girls, ready to go out trick-or-treating. It was pretty cold here, but thankfully the wind had died down by the evening, so it didn't feel as cold as it could have.
The girls came up with nicknames for their winter coats. Gracie is the "pink marshmellow coat", Julia's is the "lion coat", and Chloe's is a "pink cheetah". So, Chloe decided that tonight, Julia was REALLY dressed up as a frog who was eaten by a lion.

We went trick-or-treating for about 30 minutes and then came back to our house to pass out candy. We still had a LOT of people come by our house, but it was a little less than in the past 2 years. We gave out almost these entire 2 bowls of candy in about an hour.

Julia had a great time wandering the porch, digging through the candy bowls, and watching the people walk past.

Julia had a great time wandering the porch, digging through the candy bowls, and watching the people walk past.
The kids also got some VERY generous bags of goodies from several of our neighbors. We have some very nice neighbors around us, and the girls each got personalized bags of treats, candy, coloring books, popcorn, pencils etc from about 5 different people around us. So, even with only going out a short amount of time, we ended up with LOTS of Halloween candy & other assorted Halloweeny things. We very blessed to live in such a close-knit area with neighbors who care about our girls.