My parents came back from their year abroad this week. They stopped here to pick up their van and to visit with us for a few days before they head on a 3 week trip back to Texas (with stops along the way with lots of different family). We had a great time with them while they were here...we did some sightseeing, had lots of fun, and of course lots of cuddle-time!! Here are (a lot) of pictures of our time together. It was so great to see them, and to watch our girls light up whenever Grandmama & Grandaddy were near.

Playing outside on a beautiful day!

The girls love having G&G read to them! The WWII memorial by us

Spending time together!

We went to visit and tour a coal mine. We rode a train way under the ground and got to walk around and see a little of what it was like for a coal miner in the 1800s. Gracie was very concerned while we were down in the mine about how we were going to find our car again. She wasn't scared at all of the stuffed rats or bats, or when they turned all the lights off to demonstrate how dark it is in the mine with only a tiny flame to light the way, just wondering "where's our car?"

Ben & I have our 10th anniversary coming up next week, so while Mom & Dad were here, we got to go out on a 2-part date (since Julia's still nursing). We had a nice time together without the kiddos.

We celebrated the 4th of July together

We went swimming for a little while, but it was cool and a little rainy,
so that didn't last very long.

Mom & the girls made a cake for America's birthday, so we sang Happy Birthday to America. You can't really tell in this picture, but Izzy had gotten a hold of the cake and licked frosting off of one corner. It was still very pretty and yummy, as long as we avoided that corner... Mom & the girls had a game day where they played a bunch of different games. Here they are playing "Great States"

Then, on Saturday, we went to a 4th of July festival at the park near our house. The girls got to ride a bunch of rides, and play some carnival games. They won a goldfish (which died already today...), and a couple of inflatable dolphins!

Here they are on the mini-ferris wheel and a train ride. They had a great time on all the rides and were laughing and having fun...then they'd get a little bored, but as soon as they got off the ride, they'd both say "Let's go ride another one!!"

Here they are riding race cars, and Julia waiting patiently in the stroller.
We were so glad to have Mom & Dad here for a visit. We were sad to see them go, especially since it'll be a few months before we see them again. It's crazy to think that Julia will be walking, and probably talking some by the next time we see them. But while they were here, Julia got another tooth, and started letting go for a few seconds while she's standing. She also was clapping, and we put her hair in a ponytail for the first time... She's at such a cute and fun age, so it was fun to have Grandmama & Grandaddy get to know her. Gracie was also keeping us entertained with all the funny things she says and her funny take on the things we were doing.