Julia is now 8 1/2 months old, and learning new things all the time.

She just started crawling a couple of weeks ago, and is now getting into all sorts of things...the dog's food, her sister's toys, etc. She and the big girls love to have crawling races. Julia always loses of course, but she's laughing and squeeling every minute of it. She loves Chloe and Gracie and is so excited every time they play with her or talk to her. Chloe and Gracie love her too, although Gracie is often too rough with her...laying on top of her and hugging her too tight.
But Julia's newest trick is pulling up. She's been watching Jocelyn, a baby friend of hers, pulling up for the last month or so, and then the other day, we were at their house, and Julia pulled up right next to Jocelyn and was standing there next to her. She hadn't really stood up any more for about a week after that, and then I walked into the living room to see her standing up by the toy box. Here are the action shots...

She wasn't too thrilled about having fallen over...
Someone just told me...
With your first child, you try to help them stand up and learn to walk. With your 2nd child, you don't help them, but you still encourage them and cheer them on. And with your 3rd child, you push them back down when they start to stand.
I'm not sure about pushing her back down, but it's definitely a little more bittersweet this time around. Julia is our last baby, so we're much more ready to just have her stay a baby a while longer. But it seems like every day, she's learning some new thing or discovering another way to accomplish her little plans. She's already seeming much more like a toddler and much less like a baby. I know that these days of having a baby are very fleeting. After all, it seems like just yesterday that Chloe was a baby, and now she's 3 weeks away from being done with Kindergarten!!